The Ticker Factory

The Ticker Factory


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Owen's Birthday Weekend

My Owen turned five years old on October 18th! I can't believe he is five. I remember the day I had him like it was yesterday. It's hard to believe I almost lost him. My labor was not a great experience the day I had him. After about 16 hours of labor, Owen was born. While I was holding him his heart stopped completely. If a nurse hadn't walked in at the exact moment she had, I would not have my son. They ran him down the hall and got his heart going again. It was a very scary experience. It is a blessing that he is in our lives. Owen has completely changed all of the people around him. He means the world to Jeremy and I. I love him more than words can express.

I always want to remember how he played with my hair as I fed him a bottle as a baby, how he slept with limbs hanging out of his crib, his "scary face", his pouty lip, and his love for cars. I always want to remember how he would climb into his toy box to play, his silly hair that sticks straight up in the back, and how he could read the Spooky Old Tree a million times and it would still be his favorite book. I always want to remember my son as child. It hurts me to think he is getting older. I always want him to be my baby, even though I know he has to grow up. This child has made me a better person all around and I can't wait to see what the next five years bring.

Owen I love you as big as the sky!
For his five year milestone he had a birthday weekend including a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle birthday party, a ReAl soccer game, and a trip to Lagoon with mom and dad!

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