The Ticker Factory

The Ticker Factory


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

15 things you may know about me!

I'm in love with rain.

My absolute favorite season is fall.

I love to dance, at the club, in the car, in the shower, I just simply love to dance.

My favorite sport is football.

My dream vacation would be Australia.

I love change. Change is a good thing (in a lot of instances, not all)

I want to move out of state, very soon!

I'm constantly making new goals for myself, and I'm proud of that.

I would love to learn photography.

My secret is that I want a baby, ok so maybe it's not a secret, but I want one! I love my babies!

I think I'm good at decorating.

My favorite colors include BlUe, yElLoW, aNd PiNk!

I'm honest.

I don't really care for animals much (as I'm listening to a neighbors dog bark) I know sounds rude, they are just so dirty.

And last......

I believe in God and I love him!

(This is just a little bit of who I am not all of who I am!) Muah!

Owen's Birthday Weekend

My Owen turned five years old on October 18th! I can't believe he is five. I remember the day I had him like it was yesterday. It's hard to believe I almost lost him. My labor was not a great experience the day I had him. After about 16 hours of labor, Owen was born. While I was holding him his heart stopped completely. If a nurse hadn't walked in at the exact moment she had, I would not have my son. They ran him down the hall and got his heart going again. It was a very scary experience. It is a blessing that he is in our lives. Owen has completely changed all of the people around him. He means the world to Jeremy and I. I love him more than words can express.

I always want to remember how he played with my hair as I fed him a bottle as a baby, how he slept with limbs hanging out of his crib, his "scary face", his pouty lip, and his love for cars. I always want to remember how he would climb into his toy box to play, his silly hair that sticks straight up in the back, and how he could read the Spooky Old Tree a million times and it would still be his favorite book. I always want to remember my son as child. It hurts me to think he is getting older. I always want him to be my baby, even though I know he has to grow up. This child has made me a better person all around and I can't wait to see what the next five years bring.

Owen I love you as big as the sky!
For his five year milestone he had a birthday weekend including a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle birthday party, a ReAl soccer game, and a trip to Lagoon with mom and dad!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Oktoberfest! (J's Birthday)

Jeremy's birthday is October third which happend to land on a Sunday. His birthday is three days later than mine and we end up celebrating together most of the time. I really wanted to do something way fun for his birthday this year considering we have been through many trials this last year. I think he deserved a special birthday.

I came up with the idea of going to Oktoberfest! I thought it would be a nice getaway going to the mountain. Oktoberfest is held at SnowBird. It's a German holiday which includes lots of food and of coarse BEER!

We invited Ashley, Dylan, their kids and Jeremy's friend Matt. It couln't have gone better. It was the most beautiful fall day. All the kids behaved themselves quite well and we really enjoyed ourselves.

After Oktoberfest I made Jeremy''s birthday dinner which included pot roast, mashed potatoes and Marie Calender's pies for dessert.

Happy Birthday Honey!

As of Lately...

It is now the busiest time of year for our little family. Since the end of August Jeremy has started at SLCC full time. He is going into Welding and has two years of schooling ahead of him. Which really isn't that bad. Four semesters should go pretty fast. He was home with the kids up until he started back at school. He goes six days a week. The kids have started back to daycare and have been enjoying getting away from the house. I still am currently working for the State of utah (Medicaid). As of last week I became a permanent employee, which is awesome because it means if they have to lay someone off it wouldn't necessarily be me. :)

With our crazy schedules we are now getting into my favorite but most hectic time of year. It's nothing but birthdays for the next two months in our family and of coarse here comes preparing for Christmas, which I still can't believe how fast that is coming up.

Here are some photos of our cute family as of lately.....

Avery could eat fruit snacks by the pound.

Oh so handsome!

Daddy and Ave waiting for Owen's haircut.

Mom and Owen after his haircut.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Owen has just finished up his second season of Soccer. I can't believe what a difference in his game since the first time he played. The very first time Owen played soccer he stood on the field almost in tears. Owen now plays like a champ. I can't believe how aggresive he is. I am amazed at how well he plays. He runs the entire game. Minus one game, Owen was making atleast one goal each game. I am so proud of him. I never thought he would be so well at sports. It has been so good for him being involved in a team sport. I really look forward to the spring when he can play again!

My Birthday

Birthdays aren't my favorite thing in the world. It's not the fact that I am getting older. I'm not old enough to complain about my age. Although I feel about ten years older than I am. This year I planned that I would take the day off from work and be all by myself. Well, I took the day off, but didn't end up by myself. I thought that's what I wanted, but It wasn't at all.
I ended up having such a fun birthday. Money is always an issue since I am the only one currently working while Jeremy is in school and I've always wanted to go to the show Good Things Utah and watch from the audience. It ended up that I got to go and two of my three sister inlaws went with me. It was a blast! I had so much fun with them. It was really neat being on a set of a tv show. That evening my son had a soccer game so we got to go to that and watch him. Once that was done we went home for cake, which I am always up for cake if you know me at all. All in all it was a great birthday and now I'm not dreading the next one. :)