The Ticker Factory

The Ticker Factory


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Seven Years and Counting

Jeremy and I started dating on July 17, 2003. Yesterday was our seven year anniversary. Man how time flies. I can't believe how much has changed in our relationship since than. I truly am so grateful for him. In the last seven years we have never broken up, we've had two gorgeous children, had some great jobs, had some not so great jobs, been laid off, moved many times, had horrible luck, had great luck and most of all loved each other throughout it all. I feel so blessed that I have someone that really does love me uncondtitionally. I'm excited to see what the next seven years brings.

When Jeremy and I met we were with friends at a bon fire in the mountains above Bountiful. We went there yesterday to find the spot we met. It was a blast, there were people in our spot so we found a new spot. It really was so nice getting away just the two of us.

Look at all the fun we had!

1 comment:

  1. SOOO Cute! I am so glad you two met and now I have an awesome sister in law!
