The Ticker Factory

The Ticker Factory


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Getting Started

So I am getting started with this whole blogging thing. I really have no idea what I am doing, but you have to start somewhere. After following family and friend's blogs I decided this is something I'd like to get started on.

Since this is my first time on here I would like you to get to know me better. My name is Rachel Leigh Beecher. I am 23 years old. I've been married for four years to my husband Jeremy. I was sixteen when I met him and married by nineteen. I have two children, Owen who is four and Avery who is 16 months old. My children are my entire world!
Besides being a wife and mom, I am a hard worker. I work for the State of Utah as a claims tech. It isn't a glamorous job, but it pays the bills. Before I returned back to work I got to be a stay at home mom for about seven months. It took some getting use to, but once I did it, It was everything I wanted and more. Just when things got comfortable life took a turn and Jeremy was laid off thanks to this not so great economy. We have had to do a clomplete 180. He now stays home with our children and I am the "bread winner". I never thought I would be where I am at right now. Starting a family at such a young age has put certain things I would like to do on hold. I have a lot of personal goals that I am itching to do. Goals such at runing a 5k, finish a few sewing projects, travel, get some schooling under my belt, get caught up on scrapbooking...the list goes on and on. You really don't want to hear it all. Anyway just to sum it all up I am just like everyone else trying to find the right path not just for me, but my beautiful family!
P.S. Let the blogging begin.